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Aileen Michelle

Views: 39

Hit a road block in your creative project?

Need to figure out a character, story, flow or mood issue before moving forward?

Let’s get real.
You need to solve this creative issue.

And as much as you love your friends and family… Sometimes they just don’t get it.

You’re stuck and you need someone to bounce your Creative ideas off of, but you keep getting those blank stares and blank questions “huh?”

And when your Creative self has gotten to the point that you’ve done everything you can and need some outside help, you need answers. What you don’t need is more stares and more “wha?”

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face

*Real footage of your insides as you try to talk to your aunt about your project*

two koala bears cuddling on tree

*How your super supportive Creative friends feel about your ideas*

And your Creative friends…

They love you, and support you. Sometimes getting that unbiased honest feedback is like trying to excavate the scroll of truth. And that’s if your Creative your buddies even have the time to step away and really give your project the time it deserves.

Then there’s those Creative Pros that agreed to you picking their mind over coffee or dinner… They still haven’t replied with their schedule.

And let’s not even go down the path of taking in the feedback of any haters or negative minded creatives.

Unfortunately, it can be really difficult to get good productive feedback when you need it.

If only you knew an unbiased Creative Professional who could give valuable &  productive feedback! 🤔

Cue your new Creative Bounce Board Buddy 😀


I’m Aileen Michelle, a Creative professional of MANY mediums, here to help you solve all your creative problems! Just consider me your friendly neighborhood Creative, helping you save the day in your creative project 😀


I’m an award winning photographer, filmmaker, and writer who loves ALL things Creative! If you’re stuck in any Creative way, I will help you get unstuck.


Whether it be a novel, a self help book, a short film, feature film, photoshoot, youtube video, pitch deck, query letter, book cover, movie poster, short screen play, backdrop, simple marketing strategy, business strategy, audition, dance, performance, set design, symbolism, story arc, character arc, visual art, craft, cosplay, and soooo many other things, I can help!


Even if you’re at the concept development stage or picture locked on your film, I can give you that creative bounce board that you’re needing.

What a Creative Bounce Board session with me can solve:


  • Plot holes & ways to fix them
  • Flat Story Arcs
  • Fleshing out Characters
  • Fleshing out Worlds & Magic Systems
  • Reader Perception & Journey
  • Cover Art critique
  • Character first impressions
  • Author Bio & Story Blurb
  • & soooo much more!


  • Pricing for Profitability
  • Eye Leads
  • Viewer impression
  • What to edit and how
  • What to work on in production
  • Portfolio Review
  • General critique
  • & sooo much more!


  • Final script notes before committing to filming
  • Viewer Perception & Journey
  • Shotlist & Editing consult
  • Low Budget consult
  • Actor Direction
  • Character Journey
  • Poster guide & critique
  • Pitch Deck Review
  • & soooo much more!!

Other Creative Endeavors

  • First impression & thoughts
  • Where does my eye go?
  • Viewer Perception & Journey
  • Ways to improve
  • Is it done?
  • Creative bio
  • Website & Copy feedback
  • & sooo much more!

Give yourself and your Creative Project the progress you both deserve!

Let’s get you unstuck and moving forward!

The Quickie Probo!

30 Minute Creative Bounce Board Call

For those quicker not totally intertwined into every aspect of the project type problems.

30 minutes with me so we can get to solving any creative stuckness or issues you’re having in your current creative project!

This shorter meeting is best for a medium issue or several small items you want to knock out in 1 go.

This 30 minute booking is great for:
  • If you just want to hear the productive thoughts of another creative professional
  • Scene issues, the scene just isn’t working
  • Choosing color palettes for symbolism
  • A plot hole that only affects a small number of things
  • Input on your micro short film
  • Quick critique of your photography
  • How to market 1 aspect of your project
  • First impressions and where my eye goes
  • Author Bio or Story blurb critique
  • Logline consult
  • Character first impressions
  • Webpage + Copy review
  • Actor Audition direction or critique
  • Elevator Pitch critique
  • and sooo many other situations!

This 30 minute booking is also a great amount of time if you’re really good at summarizing your issues and creative project as a whole in a delightfully concise manner.

Also fantastic if you have a short attention span! And don’t worry, all sessions will be recorded so you wont forget a thing!


The Deep Dark Probo!

60 Minute Creative Bounce Board Call

For the creative problems with roots running deep into the abyss of your project.

60 minutes with me so we can get down and dirty solving all the creative issues and road blocks you’re having in your creative project!
This longer meeting is best for some bigger items or if you have ALOT of items you want to knock out in 1 go.
This 60 minute booking is great for:
  • There’s a huge plot hole in your story the affects sooo many things!
  • You have a less than 15 minute short film you want to me watch and give feedback on
  • Your character or story arc just isn’t making sense currently and may require an overhaul
  • Can’t quite figure out how to tie in the story, the wardrobe, the set design, the lighting, and the make up for your next creative shoot.
  • You’ve decided to design your own book cover or film poster and have no idea how to decide what to do for your story.
  • Figuring out a simple Marketing Strategy for multiple aspects of the project.
  • And sooo many other situations!
The 60 minute booking is also great if you’re not able to truly summarize your story and there’s going to be a lot of beautifully creative releases of details that might be totally relevant.
Also recommended if you have unmanaged ADHD. We can even talk about some techniques to try to manage your ADHD so you can make even more progress 😀

If you’re confused or have any questions, just send me an email 😀